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Employer Sponsored Visas

Temporary Skill Shortage Visa subclass 482

This visa, referred to as the TSS visa, enables employers to address labour shortages by bringing in genuinely skilled workers where they cannot source an appropriately skilled Australian. It facilitates targeted use of overseas workers to address temporary skill shortages, while ensuring that Australian workers get priority. TSS visa holders can work in Australia in their nominated occupation for their approved sponsor under one of three streams:


  • The Short-Term stream:This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you (as an overseas skilled worker) on a temporary basis only in occupations listed on the Short-term Skilled Occupation list (STSOL) for a TSS visa - see  It can be used to fill positions for a maximum of:two years or four years if an International Trade Obligation) applies.

  • The Medium-Term stream:This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you (as an overseas skilled worker) for periods of up to four years in occupations listed on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL).

  • The Labour Agreement stream:This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you (as an overseas worker) and has entered into a labour agreement with the Department.

Employer Nomination Scheme Visa subclass 186

This is a permanent visa suitable for skilled workers who are nominated by their employer and enables them to live and work in Australia permanently.

Under the ENS scheme there are three streams:

  • Direct Entry Stream

  • Temporary Residence Transition Stream

  • Labour Agreement Stream

The eligibility criteria varies for each stream.

For further assessment of your eligibility criteria please 


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